When employing a Nanny, there are certain responsibilities that come along with this, these are all detailed below:
Why should I have a contract with my nanny? Many families leave this responsibility aside, believing that because this person is coming into their house, the job that they are carrying out is informal than someone who communicates to their office or nursery. This is one of the most common mistakes. There is nothing better than having a full and precise description of the job that the nanny will be doing every day. Within this there should be a clear description of the days and hours that the nanny will work, the duties that are included in her hours and any other specifications. This is when a contract comes in to play. We need to be clear that this is a specific requirement that each family and nanny should have between them. Included in the contract will also be a start date, days and hours the nanny will work, holiday and sickness entitlement, reasons the employment may finish and how much notice the nanny will need to give. We advise a written contract that both parties agree on and then this needs to be signed by both the family and the nanny within the first 2 months of employment. Here at Berkshire Nannies we do provide a sample contract if your ever stuck please don't hesitate to ask.
As a employer you will need to deduct tax and national insurance, but you may also need to deduct student loans and pension contributions. Every employer needs to pay tax and national insurance this is deducted from an employers gross salary leaving them with a net amount.
If you are an employer, you are obliged to give your nanny a payslip, this is a employers right according to the government official website. what is a payslip? its a note that details the amount the employee has been paid for specific period, as well as listing any deductions. The payslip can be sent on paper by post or via email.
Due to an update of the pension act it is now a legal requirement for every UK employer to provide a workplace pension for their employees. This is deducted from the nanny's pay at 'source' and doesn't tax on top of the gross salary.
If you would like to know more about the responsibilities of hiring a nanny please don't hesitate

to contact me at berkshirenannies@outlook.com.